Stainless Steel 90° Banjo

SKU: AF219-03

$32.95 NZD

Tax included


Stainless Steel 90° Banjo

Part Numbers: AF219-03 to AF218-04 (Available on order if not listed)

These fittings are a one piece, non swivel fitting. The purpose designed olive compresses into the PTFE (Teflon) inner tube for easy, leak free assembly. Our 200 Series fittings are an excellent choice for the automotive enthusiast for use in power steering, automatic transmission, nitrous, fuel systems, cooling systems, vacuum applications, oil systems, brake and clutch lines.

Compatible Hose: 200 & 250 Series PTFE (Teflon) hose.

We recommend the 200 & 250 series hose for E85 Applications.